Automating Compliance with FinregE

FinregE’s state-of-the-art regulatory compliance solutions offer financial institutions an award-winning technology suite to streamline and automate the entire compliance lifecycle. Our software ensures that your organization remains ahead of the curve, not only informed about current regulations but also prepared for future legislative changes. Harnessing the power of Machine Learning (ML) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), FinregE intelligently identifies, interprets, and applies regulatory requirements, integrating them into actionable workflows for comprehensive compliance management.

FinregE, RIG, AI, Horizon Scanning, Regulatory Workflows

How FinregE Simplifies Your Journey

We take pride in being the sole provider that captures every regulatory update as it occurs globally, delivering it directly to our clients in a fully automated, structured manner. This unprecedented service level, when paired with our insightful workflow integration, drastically cuts costs and reduces the risk of non-compliance.

See What's on the Horizon...

Horizon Scanning

Gain a centralized view of regulatory news and developments, saving you time and effort scouring disparate sources.

Digital Rulebooks

Access a structured, searchable library of global regulations, customized to your specific needs. Filter by business line and track changes effortlessly.

Understand What Matters...

Regulatory Obligations

Leverage AI-powered summaries of key obligations, policies, and controls within each regulation. Stay focused on what’s relevant.

Rule Mapping

Connect regulations to your internal policies, procedures, and controls. Ensure seamless traceability and demonstrate strong governance.

Act with Confidence...

Compliance Monitoring & Self-Assessment Workflows

Utilize pre-configured workflows for impact assessments, attestations, and annual monitoring. Streamline compliance activities and reduce manual effort.

Regulatory Reporting, Audit & Dashboarding

Generate customizable reports and dashboards with actionable insights. Track progress, identify risks, and ensure audit-ready documentation.

Introducing RIG™ - Your AI Regulatory Expert

RIG™, the Regulatory Insights Generator, is a trailblazer in the compliance technology space. As the world’s first AI-powered virtual compliance expert, RIG™ revolutionizes how regulatory texts are engaged with. This sophisticated tool acts as a conversational partner, enabling users to read through, cross-reference, summarize, or interpret vast quantities of complex legislative and regulatory documents swiftly and efficiently.

Why Use FinregE?

Reduced costs: Automate manual tasks and streamline processes for significant cost savings.

Improved efficiency: Get things done faster with automated workflows and centralized data management.

Enhanced accuracy: Eliminate manual errors and ensure consistent compliance across your organization.

Reduced risk: Proactively identify and mitigate potential compliance risks.

Increased confidence: Make informed decisions with clear, actionable insights.

Bespoke Solutions

FinregE provides customizable regulatory compliance solutions tailored to each client’s specific regulatory needs and business structure.

Our intelligent regulatory tracking platform monitors developments across 100+ global regulatory bodies to deliver timely alerts and insights on emerging regulations. We maintain comprehensive regulatory inventories spanning key themes like banking, investments, insurance, consumer protection, AML, and more.

The modular design of FinregE’s platform allows financial institutions to start with the regulatory solutions most critical to their business. Whether you need an enterprise-wide view of regulations or a targeted solution for a specific line of business, our compliance experts will collaborate with you to build an optimal roadmap.

Leverage FinregE’s unmatched regulatory content and configurable platform to streamline compliance with targeted regulatory solutions. Our scalable approach delivers value from day one while positioning you for long-term, sustainable compliance as your needs evolve. 

Government and Legislative Bodies

Consumer Protection

Financial Crimes

Data Protection and Privacy

Cybersecurity and Information Security

Operational Resilience

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Compliance

AI and Machine Learning

Corporate Governance

Regulatory Reporting

Human Resource

Health and Safety

Cryto Assets

Payment Services and Digital Currencies

Capital Requirements and Liquidity Standards

Tax Compliance

Human Resource

Health and Safety

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Find out how we can simplify
your Financial Regulatory Compliance

We recognise that managing and maintaining financial regulatory compliance is one of the most time and resource consuming activity. We would welcome sharing with you how we are helping our clients harness the power of technology to solve their compliance problems.

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